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... posted on Nov 14 2001, 446 reads


Check out this picture of our Earth at night.... posted on Nov 13 2001, 444 reads


... posted on Nov 12 2001, 596 reads


In the Light of Reverence, a documentary about sacred Native American places, will be re-broadcast on KQED (San Francisco) on Saturday, November 10, at 5:30 pm. If you live outside the Bay Area, you might be able to find when this will air in your area:... posted on Nov 11 2001, 700 reads


... posted on Nov 10 2001, 471 reads


In Afghanistan, seven and a half million people face death in a matter of months. That's three times the number of people Pol Pot took years to kill. Thirty-five times the number that died in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, combined. If 5,000 died on September 11, we're talking the equivalent number of deaths to ten World Trade Centers, every day, for 150 days. ... posted on Nov 09 2001, 893 reads


... posted on Nov 08 2001, 501 reads


Kahlil Gibran's "The Prophet," a tremendous inspiration to so many, can now be read online.... posted on Nov 07 2001, 1,989 reads


... posted on Nov 06 2001, 578 reads


Good News of the Day: Many prisoners are now beginning to experience the benefits of meditation.... posted on Nov 05 2001, 706 reads


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The conventional view serves to protect us from the painful job of thinking.
John Kenneth Galbraith

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